- Walk-on skaters pay $18 per session
- Books of ½ hour tickets for $85 are available (10 tickets to a book) which can be only used alongside a contracted hour or a walk on hour of ice time.
- This will allow skaters to be able to practice for one ½ hour session.
- You are NOT allowed to use 2 tickets to make 1 hour.
- You will earn Two Freestyle passes for every Freestyle session you contract. This will be a replacement for a session that you missed, or know you will be missing. This is in the form of a ticket punch card. Have this punched after you sign in and indicate “freestyle pass”. If you have a doctor’s note for an injury, you must first use your make-up slips before the credit is configured.
- Please pay 50% deposit, payable to “The Rinks at Exeter” prior to the start of the session.
- Balance must be paid by February 20th, 2016
- The fees paid are non-refundable.
- The Rinks at Exeter in its sole discretion may issue a refund for any unused ice time in the event a participant has an injury, which prevents them from skating.
- All schedules are subject to change dependent on enrollments.
- After January 9th, 2016 skaters will pay the walk-on fee for ice and will not be eligible for the contracted price.
- Ice will be limited to 20 skaters. Walk-on skaters pay $18 per session (except for specific exclusions). Please be aware that the number of walk-on skaters may be limited.
- After the first 10 minutes of each session, stand-by walk-ons will be permitted to skate in the place of no-show contracted skaters.
- As a courtesy, it would be appreciated if contracted skaters who will not be skating their session call the rink to notify us of the space available.
Any questions, call The Rinks At Exeter 775-7423, Extension 100.