“Great job with the Granite State County Cup tournament. We played the last two years and it was extremely well run.”
“The tournament was awesome again this year. Great job to you and All. Garrett had a blast. His team did not fair to well in the win/loss column, but he had alot of fun. they had acouple really good close games with Hills North. Thank you for letting Garrett play.”
“Last weekend was fabulous and very well run again, thank you! I also wanted to let you know our squirt son, Harrison,
participated in the power skating classes last spring – FABULOUS! The best hockey money we have ever spent, thank you o much! Your facility is so clean and well run, it is very much appreciated.”
Elizabeth (mite goalie Preston’s mom)
“Great job with the Granite State County Cup tournament. We played the last two years and it was extremely well run.”
“The parents and players have all given me terrific positive feedback
over the tournament. It sounds like everyone had a great time and are glad to have had he chance to play. I don’t think my 5 yr old son let go of his medal until he fell asleep. Thanks again for your efforts.
Mike Quinlan
“What a fun well organized tournament….Cameron had a blast.”
Thanks, Troy Taylor
“We wanted to thank you for putting on a great Thanksgiving weekend tournament. My team the Maine Freeze squirts had a wonderful time/experience. One of the things that stood out to our team was how gracious and welcoming all of the other teams fans, player and coaches were. I will certainly pass the word around about what great hosts and tournaments you run.”
“We wanted to be sure you got this note, just in case you noticed the scores or received any feedback from anyone else on our pee wee division. I want you to know that we have no complaints whatsoever and had a great time at the tournament. We lost 1-6, 0-13, and 0-10. In the process we played six of the best periods of hockey my team has played all year. It was a great team building experience. Our kids learned to stick together, and they never gave up. They focused on competing on every shift. They never gave in to frustration, and never took stupid penalties, mouthed off, or whined. Our coaches had opportunities to teach important lessons, and our kids were receptive to those lessons. I suspect our gsl and seacoast league opponents will have a tougher time playing us because of the development our team experienced this weekend. Thank you for finding us a spot in the turkey tournament. In the future I hope some of these players return on future Dover teams. If they do, their improvement will be partially due to the excellent, highly competitive experience we had this weekend.”
Dover (Pee-Wee)
“On behalf of the Salem Saints
team, thank you for an exceptional tournament. Our kids had a ton of fun and enjoyed the minutes each practice. It was a great opportunity for them to learn the importance cross-ice format — something they hadn’t been exposed to before other than a few of passing and working together as a team. Many of the parents said this was the best $45 they could have spent!”
Salem Saints